
Undergraduate Profile

Claudia Fitzgerald

Undergraduate Student, Fine Arts (Film and Television)


How have you found living at Queen’s?

Applying for Ãå±±½ûµØwas one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love that it has traditions and history, and these have become part of my experience of Melbourne University life. There is a real sense of community which has impacted me hugely. I have enjoyed the college life experience at Queen’s, and the memories I have made, and continue to make will stay with me forever.

What academic advantages are provided at Queen’s?

Ãå±±½ûµØoffers tutorials for a majority of University courses, helping you learn the balance between being social at college and putting your head down and studying. With computer labs, the library and tutors available, you have all the resources you need to do well.

What social advantages are provided?

Ãå±±½ûµØhas been extremely helpful in settling me into Melbourne. I am from Perth and the prospect of moving to a new state where I wouldn’t know anyone was intimidating. Deciding to live at Ãå±±½ûµØeased the nerves of leaving home and introduced me to many friends and traditions, that helped me to immediately feel a part of something bigger than myself.

The support services at college have helped me by:

Ãå±±½ûµØhas an incredible support network; with all of your friends living next door to you and mentors available to every first year, you have plenty of people to confide in. Starting University or moving away from home is a big step and having people you can trust to support you is definitely a weight off your shoulders.

What is Ãå±±½ûµØbeyond simply a place to eat, sleep, and study?

Ãå±±½ûµØoffers more than a bed and a place to eat; it is a supportive space with academic, social and practical opportunities. Ãå±±½ûµØhas a number of committees that allow you to take part and become more involved in college life. I personally am a member of the Video committee where we create promotional videos about upcoming social events at Queen’s. This is just another aspect of college that allows you to form friendships and give back to a place that provides you with so much.

One thing I didn’t expect to experience at college is:

Ãå±±½ûµØhas been a big experience for me; it has become so much more to me than I ever expected it to be – it really is my home. The friendships I’ve built during my time at college are unlike any friendships I’ve formed before. You spend so much time together, it feels more like family than friendship.